Monday, May 19, 2008

Kissena Track - Pics taken by John Issendorf

I really like this sequence of photographs taken by John Issendorf . It shows me winning a scratch race at the 1985 Labor Day Track Meet at The Siegfried Stern Memorial Velodrome, AKA Kissena. In the first shot I am being held by Syl Greco. I am sorry to report that Syl is no longer with us. In his day Syl was a top rider, and a later on, a great coach. His son Allen was on the Olympic Cycling Team in 1968, and Syl's granddaughter Jessica was the World Pursuit Champion. I built many wheels for riders that Syl coached. The last photo shows me crossing the finish line. It is a great feeling to see that line go under your wheels. Sorry, no victory salute; too cooked!

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