Friday, May 16, 2008

Kissena Track - Saturday Training Sessions by John Campo

Summary on Coaching Saturday
Director: John Campo

This season is setting up to be our biggest yet. New and old riders have been coming to participate in racing and training Saturdays. I've tried to include a racing schedule for older riders because I want everyone to participate in our racing. I guess as of now we will have to race as 45+, since we only had 4 show up last week. It is hard to lobby for a 50 - 60+ racing schedule when no one shows up.

On Saturdays some are not participating in the class for one reason or another. If you do not intend to join in -Please- do not ride willy nilly around the track when we are conducting a class, or instead please come a little later during the elite session, this would make for a better training session for the new riders.

No talking to your buddies on the rail when people are doing 200m jumps. No riding the sprint lane at 3 mph etc. and riding a straight line is a must whenever you are on the track. Last week the coaching session was concentrating on how to pull a PaceLine. Why learning to pull a pace line is beneficial and how it can effect a race.

I have commented on this before and have articles on Nyvelocity and Cyclehawk about this. One rider said he knew the sphiell, but when I asked what the white line was on the pole of the track - he could not answer nor could anyone else. I don't spend time to write articles, print sheets for hand out and coach these classes to hear myself talk. I want us to be safe and better riders. I am not superstitious and I don't believe in the 'jinks'. I do believe dangers do not go away by just not addressing them however. Know the consequence of your actions.

The reason Don Winston and other officials are salty with us is: riders do dumb things. It is simple as that, and dumb things get magnified at the track because they are done before a crowd and can effect others besides yourself. We all just want to ride and have fun, so as this program get bigger, being prepared will carry more weight. Don't get left out...

The Junior program is a part of Saturday training so I will need to pay special attention to their needs. This might mean we might go over the 2hr time limit. So again if you do not want to participate in the class come later in the afternoon. If you have taken the class last year, please don't feel you are not invited- I need the experienced riders to come and participate to make this program work.

I am working with two other coaches who will be replacing me eventually, so lets show them respect. Fundamentals of racing is a constant for all of us. They must be practiced and revisited by all of us ( not just newbe's) every year. If any of the new riders stay to watch the elite coaching at 3pm, they will see that even elite riders work on the little things also.

Next week we have the Women's Clinic, so the track will be closed until the elite training session. Lets give them respect and let them have the track for themselves for this short period. On the 24 th we resume as usually, know what the lines are, know what you need as far a equipment goes, and come early so we can get in a full session.

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