Monday, June 16, 2008

6 15 2008 NY Harlem Criterium Pro 1 2 race - from a spectator's point of view

As you can see below Rock Racing was out in full force, as a matter of fact the race event was called Harlem Rocks as a result of Rock Racing's involvement. Unfortunately Rock Racking got their bells rocked by the Time team in the category Pro 1,2 race. The Time team was nowhere near the front during the race, they pretty much sat in whilst the pros from Toshiba, Toyota and Rock Racing controlled the race, and scooped up most of the primes.

Towards the end of the race Rock Racing team members came to the front of the race in a show of force to control the final laps, this brought cheers from the crowd and was one of the highlights of the race. I guess this was possible because they were all wearing two way radios, hence the coordination. Unfortunately for Rock Racking, a rider from the Time team won the sprint by crashing spectacularly across the finish line.

Shall we say Time was against Rock on this one - Harlem Rocked by Time?

See high lights in video clip below.

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