Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sound of Motion BlueTooth Wheel Sensor Technology

SoundOfMotion Releases SDK for Bluetooth Bicycle Wheel Sensor

The Software Development Kit will enable developers to create unique applications using the advantages of 1-degree precision motion sensing technology and widely available Bluetooth devices. SoundOfMotion's innovative sensing technology is at least 360 times more accurate than traditional cycling sensors and has been recognized by the Nokia's Technology Innovation competition Mobile Rules! 2008.

Vancouver, Canada (PRWEB) June 20, 2008 -- SoundOfMotion Technologies Inc., creator of the first velo-computer for mobile devices with a 1-degree precision technology releases an SDK for its Bluetooth wheel motion sensors. The Software Development Kit will enable developers to create unique applications using the advantages of 1-degree precision motion sensing technology and widely available Bluetooth devices. Any device with Bluetooth such as mobile phone, PDA or laptop computer would be able to acquire accurate motion data from the SoundOfMotion's Bluetooth sensor mounted on a wheel.

The 1-degree precision sensor was originally designed for bicycles. Cyclists routinely rely on cycling computers to determine their speed. Traditional cycling computers measure only a full rotation of a wheel and calculate average speed over 3 to 5 rotations or 6-10 meters of linear distance. SoundOfMotion's patent pending technology is capable of detecting as little as 1 degree of wheel rotation. This unique sensing technology accurately measures spot speed, acceleration and could measure torque or even power without any additional sensors. This innovative sensing technology is at least 360 times more accurate than traditional cycling sensors and almost 2000 times better than GPS.

SoundOfMotion's innovative technology has been recognized by the Nokia's Technology Innovation competition Mobile Rules! 2008 and featured in Mobile Rules! Expo, "Top 10 Bike Gadgets" by PC Magazine, Pro-cycling magazine,, and other media.

The SDK can be ordered from SoundOfMotion Technologies Inc. is also considering strategic alliances with traditional sports equipment manufacturers and offers its technology for licensing.

Article sent by Harry Zaverdas

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