Saturday, July 5, 2008

P90X workout

After coming back into the sport of cycling at 195 lbs in 2006, I lost 25 lbs by cutting out sugared drinks and using a program called P90X, still need to loose a few more pounds from the belly. This program was introduced to me by Moises DeGracia who also used it to loose weight and got amazing results. The system is a set of DVD workouts which involve a ton of body-weight moves (like push-ups, pull-ups, plyometric and some very unique moves, etc) as well as cardio and weight training cycles. The equipment you will require is a large enough space to go bouncing about in all directions without causing serious injury or property damage, free-weights of varying sizes, a chin-up bar/station, a yoga mat and blocks, and some people also use bands, as well as push-up bars (optional.) A word of warning - this program is intense and not easy, you have to be relatively fit to start it, or else you can start with an easier program in the P90 series, the X stands for Xtreme. This is not a quick fix program this is all about pain and suffering to get results. The plyometrics workout in itself is great for developing explosive power. This program needs to be done in the off season since it would be tough to mix it in while training for bicycle racing.

See here for more information

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