Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8 20 2008 Ken Harris hour record data

UCI rule 3.5.031:

The distance covered in the hour shall be calculated as follows:
D = (L Pi x TC) + Di C
Di C = L Pi x TRC / TTC

D = distance covered in the hour
L Pi = length of track
TC = number of complete laps before the last lap
Di C = additional distance
TTC = time of the last complete lap
TRC = time remaining to ride at the beginning of the last lap

UCI rule 3.5.032:

The distance covered shall be rounded down to the nearest metre. Neither the Hour Record nor the Best Hour Performance may be beaten by less than one metre.

-August 20th 2008 from 9am to 10am
-110 laps in one hour.
-Average speed of 44.177 Kilometers per hour.
-Equipment used - Cervello P3 with disk wheel, aero helmet, aero bars

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