Functional Threshold Test (FTP) Data as of 10/31/2008

-speed = 24.17 mph
-cadence = 98 rpm
-heart rate = 171 bpm
-torque = 5.68 Nm
-power = 217 watts
-power watts/kg = 2.73 watts/kg





Based on the data above my Functional Threshold Power would be 217 minus 5% = 207. The power and heart rate ranges below will be based on 207 watts and 171 bpm.



Level 1 active recovery: less than 55% = 1 to 114 watts

Level 2 endurance: 56 - 75% = 116 to 155 watts

Level 3 tempo: 76 - 90% = 157 to 186 watts

Level 4 lactate threshold: 91 - 105% = 188 to 217 watts

Level 5 VO2 max: 106 - 120% = 219 to 248 watts

Level 6 anaerobic capacity: 121 - 150% = 250 to 311 watts

Level 7 neuro muscular power: not applicable



Level 1: less than 68% = 116 bpm

Level 2: 69 - 83% = 118 to 142 bpm

Level 3: 84 - 94% = 144 to 161 bpm

Level 4: 95 - 105% = 162 to 180 bpm

Level 5: 106% = 182 bpm

Level 6: not applicable

Level 7: not applicable

Functional Threshold Power (FTP)

Cycling and training has certainly become more sophisticated / complicated over the years. Whatever happened to riding a bike based solely on perceived effort? Having a pulse watch back in the 80s was considered cutting edge technology. Now we have power meters and GPS devices, interpreting data is like being in a Physics class once again.

As mentioned earlier, I am now delving into training with a power meter. Today (10/31/2008) I will be doing a Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test on a spin bike. FTP is basically your Anaerobic Threshold level or Lactate Threshold. Chris Carmichael calls this test the Carmichael Training System field test (CTS).

I did the CTS field test at home last month, hopefully it was done correctly since it was my first time messing with power. Basically you warm up and then you ride as hard as you can for two 8 minute periods with a prescribed rest duration between the efforts, this data is then averaged out. Below are my training power & heart rate ranges determined from the test data.

Power ranges:
-Tempo - 148 to 156 watts
-Steady State - 157 to 165 watts
-Climbing Repeat - 174 to 184 watts

Heart rate ranges:
-Tempo - 152 to 157 bpm
-Steady State - 159 to 164 bpm
-Climbing Repeat - 164 to 169 bpm

To double check the data above (which seem a bit low) I am going to do the Functional Threshold Power test as described here. Below is a summary of what has to be done.

-20 minute warm up at about 65% max heart rate.

-3 x 1 minute fast pedals at 100 rpm with 1 minute rest between efforts.

-5 minute easy at 65% max heart rate.

-5 minutes all out.

-10 minutes easy at 65% max heart rate.

-20 minutes time trial, gradually build up to speed and hold it pushing very hard last 3 minutes.

-10 minutes easy at 65% max heart rate.

-10 minutes cool down at easy pace.

The average power in the 20 minute segment above (high lighted in red) will be my Functional Threshold Power, this would be the base line from where my training levels will be determined and improvements monitored.

I have been lifting weights now for about one month - currently in the Strenght Training phase with heavy weights and low reps. The soreness has diminished from the earlier weeks of weight training - doing this FTP test should not be adversely affected by sore muscles, but I am not looking forward to doing a 20 minute time trial.

Technically the test should be done for 60 minutes to get a more accurate number. Since this test has to be repeated over time then it was broken down to 20 minutes to prevent riders from dreading the test, 5% is subtracted from the number to compensate for the shorter duration.

See data and results here.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

P90X Plyometrics (jump) training heart rate profile

This plyometrics stuff is tough - notice the heart rate is way up because the work out is virtually non stop with only about four 30 second rest periods. Data recorded on a Garmin Pulse watch.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2008 UCI Worlds in Australia - US results

Finishing just shy of the podium on Saturday were the U.S.’ Andrew LaCorte (Plainview, N.Y.) and Dena Eaton (Scottsdale, Ariz.). Both athletes qualified for the bronze medal match in their respective match sprint fields, but ultimately finished fourth overall.

2008 UCI Masters Track World Championships
U.S. Medalists:

Gold – Lawrence Nolan, men’s 50-54 match sprint
Gold – Lawrence Nolan, men’s 50-54 points race
Gold – Lawrence Nolan, men’s 50-54 scratch race
Gold – Lawrence Nolan, men’s 50-54 individual pursuit
Gold – Annette Williams, women’s 45-49 individual pursuit
Gold – Annette Williams, women’s 45-49 points race
Gold – Annette Williams, women’s 45-49 match sprint
Gold – Mark Rodamaker, men’s 60-64 scratch race
Gold – Bert Glennon, men’s 45-49 scratch race
Gold – Chip Berezny, men’s 55-59 scratch race
Silver – Annette Williams, women’s 45-49 500-meter time trial
Silver – Anton Quist, men’s 40-44 750-meter time trial
Silver – Anton Quist, men’s 40-44 match sprint
Silver – Mark Rodamaker, men’s 60-64 match sprint
Silver – Randy McLain, men’s 30-34 scratch race
Silver – James Host, men’s 50-54 individual pursuit
Bronze – Annette Williams, women’s 45-49 scratch race
Bronze – Reid Schwartz, men’s 60-64 500-meter time trial


Monday, October 20, 2008

October 2008 Andrew Lacorte in Australia

Picture above is Andrew Burne, the rider from Australia who won the gold in the 35 to 39 age group, Andrew Lacorte got 4th.

More information at Sommerville sports blog

See videos of Andrew Lacorte's ride here

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ken Harris T-Town hour record


Ken's' home track is the Kissena Velodrome in Flushing, Queens, which has seen a resurgence in the last few years. Beginning as a cat 5 last year, he ended 2007 as a cat 2 with the New York State track omnium championship in both masters and open, a masters national championship in the points race (40-44). In 2008, he again took the NYS track omnium, and the Kissena Twilight series.

When asked what got him interested in making the attempt, he explains, "Last year I managed to qualify for the elite track nationals, and began doing some rather specific training for them -- steady state maximal efforts on rollers. I managed a 385 watt hour right before nationals. After the elites, I started thinking about another challenge, and that hour effort stood out. I did a some ramp tests at Kissena in late October and realized that it was something I could likely do if I had the same form. Jason Sprouse had crushed the 35-39 record at Trexlertown that summer, so the idea was in the air."

Ken used a Cervelo P3C, with a Zipp 808 / 909 disc pairing, and Bell meteor II helmet. The 177.5 mm cranks proved to be problem: "If there's a record for sponges-hit-by-pedal, I might have it." The gear was 54x14. The temperature at the beginning of the attempt was 65 F / 18C, and dropped a few degrees through the ride, winds were officially 5 mph, but unappreciable at the track.

Asked about his research into the event, he responded, "I think you'd be foolish not to study what Obree, Boardman, Merckx, Moser, Rominger or Hutchinson did. Most attempts fail. You have to have the engine, you then have to get the form, and then have to line up all the officials and the venue and the timing and the testing for the specific day you chose. You give yourself this problem: it's your fault when it fails. Any one thing can make it fail. Anything. You have to study the problem."

Ken wishes to thank those who supported him at the track: his wife Constance Giamo, his coach Matthew Koschara and his teammates on CRCA/Jonathan Alder Racing. He would also like to thank Andy Taus, Ellen Dorsey, Erin Hartwell, Sue Cottone, and Shawn Farrell for their help in the arrangements, Phoenix Sports for the timing, and the Adler team and Cadence Cycling and Multisports for their support.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

CycleOps 300PT spin bike

Thanks to Steve Smith for recommending this spin bike to me. It is the closest thing to riding on your road or track bicycle since the seat and handle bar positions are micro adjustable. It is a very heavy piece of equipment to lug up the stairs, though this contributes to it being very stable during sessions of intense hammering which I haven't gotten around to yet.

10 5 2008 cyclops spin bike workout data

I am still in the process of trying to get a handle on training with a Power meter, it sure opens up a whole new world of data to deal with. Today's ride was a two hour endurance ride on the spin bike, below are some of the data from the ride. This spin bike is definitely going to come in handy during the winter months.






Thursday, October 2, 2008

Training Summary Sheet - 10 2 2008

It can be quite confusing to get a grasp on your training program with so much data to keep track of. I have decided to treat my training as a project whereby summarizing all the pertinent data on one sheet. This way it would be easy to stick to the training schedule and to track progress. I adapted the excel spread sheet below from a Project Management book to my cycling program. Geez, I need to get that body fat percentage down from 21.7%, unless my body fat measurement scale is giving me wrong information, that is way too high for a cyclist.