Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Second Sprint Power Test as per Joel Friel's Training Bible

So I did another Sprint Power Test according to Joel Friel's Cyclist Training Bible - you have to complete a 0.20 mile distance in about 25 to 40 seconds. My last Sprint Power Test here was not that precise as this one. This one is closer to the prescribed ranges resulting in a maximum power output of 1,177 watts and an average of 754 watts over a distance of 0.19 miles and a duration of 29 seconds. Based on this my ranking for senior men is excellent with a score of 5 -not bad for a 45 year old master. It appears all the heavy weight training and plyometrics over the winter are starting to pay off.

Below is Friel's Sprint Power Test ranking system for senior men and senior women:
Senior Men
Ranking...... Score.......... Max................ Avg
Excellent...... 5................ 1,100+.......... 750+
Good............. 4............... 950-1,099...... 665-749
Average........ 3.............. 800-949.......... 560-664
Fair............... 2............... 650-799...........455-559
Poor.............. 1.............. <650.................>455
Senior Women

Ranking...... Score.......... Max................ Avg
Excellent..... 5................ 1,000+............ 675+
Good............ 4................ 850-999......... 600-674
Average...... 3................. 720-849......... 500-599
Fair..............2................. 585-719.......... 410-499

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