Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Specialization Period - Power Interval Ladder

Spring is in the air, the weather is beautiful, the sun is staying out later in the evenings, which can only mean one thing; it's time to partake in some pain and suffering and possibly vomiting while trying to get in shape. Today I will partake in some pain and suffering on the spin bike since I can't make it to the track.

The goal for these interval ladder workouts is to raise VO2Max, or put more simply, to be able to ride at the same comfort level while getting faster. Your VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use to produce energy. Increasing your VO2 max is relatively easy for new riders or riders at a lower training level. Speed workouts also improve neuromuscular conditioning, lactate threshold and riding economy.

Spin Bike workout to raise VO2 Max:

Warm up -10 mins

Power Interval - 3 mins = average 236 watts
Recovery - 3 mins

Power Interval - 2 mins = average 252 watts
Recovery - 2 mins

Power Interval - 1 min = average 333 watts
Recovery - 3 mins

Power Interval - 3 mins = average 241 watts
Recovery - 3 mins

Power Interval - 2 mins = average 255 watts
Recovery - 2 mins

Power Interval - 1 min = average 350 watts
Recovery - 3 mins

Power Interval - 1 min = average 398 watts
recovery - 1 min

Power Interval - 1 min = average 410 watts
Recovery - 1 min

Power Interval - 1 min = average 450 watts

Warm down 15 mins, no vomiting this time.

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