Thursday, August 20, 2009

Benefit for Gabe

From Inge Hoonte

Hi everyone. It's time to reach out far and wide. Many of our friends have gotten hit by cars while cycling or crossing the street as a pedestrian the past year, with varying degrees of injuries. Last Thursday, our dear friend and fellow bike racer Gabe Allen was hit by a car while on vacation in San Francisco. He's in ICU and kept unconscious until his body further recovers. He made it through the first 72 critical hours. We're positive he will recover from this and anything positive you can do to help him pull through this is necessary.

Needless to say, the medical bills are piling up and his friends here in NYC are organizing a benefit to help pay for some of them. IF YOU DO ANYTHING THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, MAKE IT IN THOUGHT OF GABE!! He needs all the positive thoughts he can get. If you can't make it to the party, please consider donating anything you can spare here (amanda.robinson at gmail dot come, through PayPal)


Where: Wreck Room (940 Flushing at Central Ave, Brooklyn, NY)
When: Friday 8/21, 7pm till late.

Films: BikeShorts!
Many DJs!

And... Raffle!
Used bike parts sale! (bring anything you care to donate)

Plus a Care Package Box!
Bring anything you'd like to send to him, Kierie, and his family. We'll take care of postage.

More details to come.
Many thanks for your support,
Gabe's friends

PS -- Be safe out there. However !#!* car drivers are, the reality is that they just don't always see us. Be seen, see them and avoid them.

more info here


  1. Hello NYC bikers. I am Gabe's Mom, Donna. Thank you for all your creative help. Gabe is still heavily sedated but his brain swelling has gone down a lot. Follow his progress at

    We love to tell him about your activities and relay messages. Keep the good energy flowing it has been the best medicine.

  2. Hi, my name is Shannon, and I'm one of Gabe's cousins from the midwest. I would just like to thank you for publishing this wonderful article, and for all the effort that is being made to help out our sweet Gabe and the rest of our family in SF. We are all so thankful that he has such an amazing support system in NYS and throughout the world!
