Friday, November 27, 2009

November 27 2009 Functional Threshold Power Test

A 20 minute test, the dip in the power profile shows where I had to go easy after starting out a bit too hard.

Age - 44
Weight - 177 lbs
Body fat - 17.5 %

Above are training zones which were established based on 20 minute test data. The CTS equivalent column shows the terminology used by Chris Carmichael in his training videos and books.

Test extracted from 'Training and Racing with a Power Meter' by Hunter Allen & Andrew Coggan:

-20 minute warm up at 65% max heart rate
-1 minute fast pedal at 100 rpm
-1 minute recovery
-1 minute fast pedal at 100 rpm
-1 minute recovery
-1 minute fast pedal at 100 rpm
-5 minute at 65% max heart rate
-5 minute all out
-10 minute at 65% max heart rate
-20 minute time trial to establish avg power and heart.
-10 minute at 65% max heart rate
-10 minute cool down

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