Monday, February 1, 2010


Only last Sunday I was hopping around like a madman doing plyometrics and feeling as strong as ever (see video below). This weekend I am laid up in bed with a strained lower back feeling very weak, hardly able to move, bend or sleep and wondering if I would ever be able to do anything athletic again.

The strained back came about from doing straight leg dead lifts. On the eight repetition there was jolt of pain on my right side and that was it, back was out.

Dead lifts are supposed to be done with knees bent, which I did with 225 lbs. After which I reduced the weight to 135 lbs and proceeded to do dead lifts with straight legs. This is supposed to strengthen the lower back and hamstrings and help in performing explosive standing starts. Never again am I doing straight leg dead lifts - not worth getting injured in training again.

It is always a major set back when you get injured or hurt during sporting events or training. I have experienced numerous injuries over the years from sports I have taken part in – cycling, cricket, soccer, martial arts and weight training. It makes you wonder why one submits their body to such risks, when the rewards are not quite worth it.

I have always managed to bounce back from injury, even though at the time of the injury you are mentally and physically destroyed. You also don't realize the synergistic operation of your muscles and body parts working together to perform mundane daily activities until one part becomes injured.

It is also important to note that the lower back, butt and core are the center of gravity of your body from which all movement takes place. (If your body were a wheel, then these parts will be the axle.)

I guess some of us are just looking for the next thrill regardless of risk.


  1. Sorry to hear about your injury Mike. Straight-leg dead lifts are a great exercise, but you may need to restrict your range of motion to avoid rounding your back. This is probably due to hip and hamstring flexibility issues which are all-too common among cyclists. Also, don't lock your knees. Keep them straight, but soft.

  2. Get better soon, Mike! Give it proper rest and recovery and you'll be back in no time.
