Monday, March 8, 2010

Track Cycling Specificity Training

A typical routine for Sprint Strength Training is as follows:
-100 meters flying starts, 2 sets of 5 reps maximal

A typical routine for Sprint Endurance Training is as follows:
-300 meters flying start – 6 reps sub maximal

A typical routine for Speed Strength Endurance Training is as follows:
-500 meter flying start – 4 to 6 reps sub maximal

A typical routine for Speed Training is as follows:
-Flying 200 meter behind motor – 3 to 5 reps

A typical routine for Acceleration Training is as follows:
-6 seconds standing start sprints – maximal
-Distance 50 to 60 meters


Cog sprints to improve Strength
Roll onto the track in the sprinters lane. Move up to the outside of the sprinters lane when coming out of the final bend. Keep rolling and increase the speed slightly while still in the saddle. Get out of the saddle and kick hard when approaching the pursuit line. Pedal hard and keep on going in a line that goes to the to the top of the embankment. One should reach the top of the embankment at the middle portion of the bend. Start coasting when at the top of the embankment and ride down and back into the sprinters lane. Keep rolling through the back straight and the next bend before preparing for the next sprint. Repeat 15 times. An alternative and tougher workout is to repeat the cog sprint at both bends. Repeat 15 times.


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