Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mike Wilpizeski's Kilo 1:18.41

Mike Wilpizeski posted the 5th fastest time overall....... his training - lifts weights and does intervals, simple as that.

Here is Mike's pre-season training summary:

"I began my training for the 2010 season on November 1, 2009. Because of my job, I can only ride outside on weekends and holidays. All of my weekday (and foul weather) workouts are done in the garage to save time. In general, my weekly pre-season workouts include three weight training sessions, a few minutes of hi-intensity intervals usually done on rollers, a Thursday run (no running after January), a Saturday session at the Kissena Velodrome and a Sunday road ride. In March and April, I typically do some road races or time trials as part of my preparation. During this time, I also increase the volume of time spent doing intervals and cut back on weight training. I’m a big believer in short, hi-intensity intervals because I think they are an efficient and effective way to train. Once the track season begins, I continue to lift, but only twice a week."

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