Sunday, August 8, 2010

Smart Phones - Endomondo App

I was always a fan of the Palm smart phones, but it appears they are being left behind in the dust. I recently upgraded my Palm Centro to an Android HTC Evo 4G.

There is free cool application called Endomondo which tracks your workout. Above is a screen shot of a 40 mile easy road ride completed today. It seems like convergence is rendering dedicated devices useless, pretty soon there would be no need for Garmin GPS devices, a smart phone can do the same thing.

I always wanted an Apple iPhone but ATT was the major stumbling block, instead I settled for an iTouch.  In any case Android operating system smart phones are finding a  niche in popularity across all carriers. I selected an HTC phone since they are also a sponsor of the cycling team HTC Columbia. These phones do the same thing or even better than the Apple iPhone without all the hoopla and drama.

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