Monday, September 27, 2010

Analysis of my last Kilo at Kissena Velodrome - gear 48x14 = 92"

From profile above - I would need to get a better start to accelerate up to a higher speed (to about 35 mph) by 250 meters. This is easily achievable since the strength and gym work I do would come into play, but then I would pay for this effort towards the end of the Kilo. I tend to be conservative with my starts because I want to minimize how much I fade towards the end. At my current level of fitness, I know if I go out too hard, then I am going to fade very badly since I don't have the endurance base required. I usually get up to my target speed and sit way too early. Profile shows I got up to a speed of 33 mph at about the 200 meter mark and then maintained that to about the 600 meter mark, where I then faded for the remaining 400 meters. I would need to work on my endurance to be able to finish strong in the last 400 meters. Also I would need to ride a tighter line closer to or on the white line which is the shortest path around the track. It is very difficult to do this using aero bars at Kissena, I always end up riding closer to the red line to maintain control. Riding on the rollers during the winter in the aero bars should help to develop the balance and finesse needed to ride a tighter line on the track. Also strong core muscles come into play during the last 400 meters where you have to maintain balance and still generate power from tired legs to propel the bike forward in an aero position.

Components of a Kilo:
Start (initial power)
Acceleration (to 250 meters)
Max speed (250 to 750 meters)
Speed maintenance / endurance (750 to 1000 meters)

In order to improve my kilo, these are the components I would have to work on:

-starts of varying distance (rolling and standing)
-strength work in the gym and on bike (squats and over geared efforts on the bike)
-power work in the gym (power cleans, plyometrics such as bounding up stairs or box jumps with and without weighted vest)

-repeated intervals from a slow roll up to a point where max speed is attained - basically 250 meters roll ups to about 35 mph in aero bars.
-intervals which target VO2 max

Max speed:
-flying start intervals of 800 meters at about 30 mph avg speed in aero bars

Speed maintenance:
-flying start intervals of 1000 meters at about 30 mph avg speed in aero bars
-long training rides of 2 to 3 hours per week to build endurance, leg speed & recovery
-intervals of shorter distances with incomplete recovery (tabata intervals)

Simulation efforts on spin bike and in the gym:
-simulate kilo efforts on the spin bike to measure power output.
-simulate kilo efforts in gym using leg press machine while reducing the weight from heavy to medium to mimic a kilo effort on the bike for a duration of 1 minute 20 seconds. This should get the blood and lactic acid rushing to the head.

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