Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If I had the time, motivation and extra cash laying around

So just suppose I had some extra cash laying around and decided to go to one of these far flung regions of the US to compete in a Master National Track event? Plano Texas, where is that? Right now I don't have any spare cash laying around, it is all tied up in a very lucrative sponsorship deal with three banks and their credit cards? Did I mention I am being sponsored by three major banks - Capital One, Citi Bank and American Express (don't leave home without telling them?). Unfortunately the lucrative deal is not in my favor but in the Banks' favor - I am still paying them back for all the cycling equipment I bought over the past four years with interest of course, and at the current rate it will probably be another four years before I pay them off. Unfortunately this blog makes no money, it was set up not to make money but rather to promote the sport of track cycling, which is still a cult niche sport. In any case the age group I would be competing in would be the 45 - 49 group. My fastest unofficial flying 200 meter time in training is 12.57, and official time at last year's State Championships was 12.66. It looks like I would be somewhere in the middle of this horse pack if I use those times as a bench mark.

I still need to do a lot of work in the Kilo event - 1:17.45 is not going to cut it when the top three times hover around 1:10 to 1:13. Although 1:17 would put me some where in the middle of this age group - since the winning time this year was 1:10.6 and the slowest time was 1:27.2 out of 13 riders at the Plano Texas Velodrome.

One of my goals this year was to break the 12 second barrier at Kissena - I came nowhere near doing this. But definitely improved my Kilo times. I am just wondering if training for the Kilo affects performance in the Flying 200 meter and match sprints? What I did differently this year was to lift weights through out the cycling season, as opposed to last year when I did not do any weights during the season, only the P90x program and raced more weekly mass start events on the track. Last year I was definitely faster in the flying 200 meter and match sprints than this year.


  1. here is a tip, the 2 days for the flying 200m total different, first no wind and riders put on a big gear, second day extreme windy with gust up to 25 mph during the trials. I went down to a 90in gear because i thought it would help, bad move because my time was the slowest in my career, then i had to ride against the numbe one seed and he and i were very similar big gear sprinter was not pretty. If i had used my normal gear probably would have made finals, o well live and learn. The track was not easy to sprint on, very fast off the banking and a number of riders who were not use to it, lost their gear because they came down to fast and leg speed did not equal the speed if u understand that. Every race and track is different, u cannot say what u can do till u get there and fight the conditions and track. But next year it maybe at TTOWN so get ready.

    frank mesi

  2. here is a tip, the 2 days for the flying 200m total different, first no wind and riders put on a big gear, second day extreme windy with gust up to 25 mph during the trials. I went down to a 90in gear because i thought it would help, bad move because my time was the slowest in my career, then i had to ride against the numbe one seed and he and i were very similar big gear sprinter was not pretty. If i had used my normal gear probably would have made finals, o well live and learn. The track was not easy to sprint on, very fast off the banking and a number of riders who were not use to it, lost their gear because they came down to fast and leg speed did not equal the speed if u understand that. Every race and track is different, u cannot say what u can do till u get there and fight the conditions and track. But next year it maybe at TTOWN so get ready.

    frank mesi
