Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mileage Summary for a Time Crunched Cyclist

I have accumulated some historical training mileage data in order to correlate with my results. As you can see the mileage per month is low which leads to low weekly hours riding. I believe Joel Friel says you need to devote at least 13 hours per week to be a Cat 3 racer, and I believe Chris Carmichael requires about 8 hours per week in his Time Crunched Cyclist book. I can barely average 4 hours of riding per week. But then again that does not include the time spent in the gym and the couple of extra hours spent in between efforts at the track on weekends. Also the Friel and Carmichael programs are geared towards road cyclists and not track cyclists both require different methods of training, although there is some overlap in the mass start events.

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