Friday, September 10, 2010

Plano Texas - Superdrome

- 250 Meter Track

- 45 Degree Banking

- Synthetic Surface
The 2010 USA Cycling Masters Track National Championships at the Superdrome Velodrome in Frisco, Texas, September 1-5. Approximately 400 riders and their families are expected to attend. The Superdrome is an Olympic-style track cycling venue and one of only three 250 meter wood surfaced velodromes in the United States. The track is built upon a specially designed steel frame structure with banking of 44 degrees at the steepest points and has a technologically advanced non-skid surface for safety and ease of use. The Superdrome was completely resurfaced in spring 2009..... link

Facility Facts

Main Track Specifications: 250 meter oval; 7 meters wide, 44 degree incline in the corners, 13 degree incline in straight sections; constructed of custom made, resin-coated 1.125" thick marine plywood panels attached to a welded steel superstructure.

Infield: 73.5 meter warm up loop, entry/exit apron, staging area and facilities for housing team equipment and supplies

Event Management Complex: 5.842 square feet in two stories, houses all track technology, facility management team, concessions, restrooms and other facilities.

Technology: Advanced timing, scoring, data handling and video display system.

Spectator Area: Seating area with a total capacity of 1,100 spectators a picnic area and a kids play area.

Facility Architects: Brinkley Sargent Architects, Dallas, Texas.

Track Manufacturer: V96SG, Detroit, Michigan: past experience includes development of the 1996 Olympic Track in Atlanta.

Track Installation: Hughes Manufacturing, Detroit, Michigan  

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