Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fatsecrets.Com - Counting calories

As a little experiment I decided to start counting calories and exercise from mid October 2010 to mid January 2011. As you can see from the above chart my weight fluctuate between 171 lbs to 177 lbs during this period. Current weight as of 2/13/2011 is 174 lbs.

This is what the month of November 2010 looked like.
Red indicates food intake.
Green indicates exercise.

Daily average calories burnt = 2,857 kcal
Daily average food intake = 2,917 kcal
-fat = 86.99 grams
-protein = 182.73 grams
-carbs = 382.95 grams

I guess the ratio of fats to carbs to protein has to be adjusted to lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass depending on whose school of thought is in vogue. In the meantime I remain clueless when it comes to diet and nutrition. I believe we are being fed a lot of bad information when it comes to nutrition, all in the name of profit

Watch full documentary at link below

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