Friday, March 4, 2011

US Olympic Champion - Alexi Grewal comeback to competitive cycling at 51 years old

.......Now a skilled carpenter, Grewal began training for his return with a daily 30-mile roundtrip ride to his job in Masonville, pulling a trailer containing his timber-framing tools. This weekend, he is participating, along with Lance Armstrong, in the Roche Constructors 50-mile Wapiyapi Classic charity event in Aspen.

At 6 feet and 156 pounds, Grewal is not much different from his first pro racing career. Now back on a road bike, he plans to train intensely over the next two months, with a view to joining a pro team that will compete in the Quiznos Challenge.

“One of my first thoughts,” Grewal said, “was to form an ‘old man’s’ team for Quiznos with Ned Overend and Raúl Alcála.” A more likely prospect, should the 50-year-old Grewal prove himself competitive, is a spot on a North American continental team. He intends to race early-season stage races like the Tour of Cuba, Venezuela’s Vuelta a Tachira and the Tour of Chile to prepare himself for his possible appearance at the Quiznos Challenge.

Knowing that he is attempting something that’s not been done before by a cyclist his age, the Coloradan concluded, “The punch line for this crazy thing is, Alexi Grewal, back among the wheels. But funny thing is, I have never looked forward to anything more.”...... more

This week has seen the retirement of Lance Armstrong, who is heading towards his 40th birthday. The Texan was one of the oldest riders in the peloton but another big name rider, who will be 51 on September 8th, is coming back.

Alexi Grewal has been building form over the past few months and is getting ready to compete in the Callville Bay Classic on February 24th. He’s drawn up a list of events to come after that, with the Redlands Classic (March 31 – April 3) and the Tour of the Battenkill (April 9 - 10) being marked as tentative, but the Tour of the Gila (April 27 – May 1) and the Iron Horse Classic (May 27) listed as confirmed.

Read more: at velonation

The history of the Indian name Grewal - In India, Grewals primarily belong to the Malwa region in Punjab. They also joined the British-Indian mercenary army and fought in wars from Mesopotamia to Germany. Grewals have migrated to all corners of the globe with significant populations having settled in parts of Malaysia, Canada, the United States, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Australia..... more from wikipedia

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