Sunday, April 10, 2011

4/10/2011 return to the Road / Track

Posititon: Queens, NY
Altitude: 50 feet above Sea Level
Equipment: Pro Lite Track bike

Gear: 45 x 21 = 57.9"
Riders in Group: 1

- Rode to track
- 10 lap warm up (5 laps at the top and 5 laps at the bottom)
- 5 x 100 meter sprints (gear 57.9", max speed 28 mph, cadence 160 rpm)
- 5 x 75 meter standing starts (same gear)
- 1 x 400 meter flying lap
- Rode home
- 30 miles in 2 hours 30 minutes.

Finally back on the road and track since December 2010. I have been riding the spin bike most of the time, currently doing the VO2 Max booster interval program . It has either been bad weather or work on the weekends which prevented riding outdoors - today I mustered the courage to go outdoors despite overcast conditions. I rode to Kissena Track and did a few efforts to shake out the cobwebs and to get re-acquainted with the track and its idiosyncrasies. Racing and structured training has begun on Saturdays, check Affinity Cycles for more details.

No road or track miles since December 2010 - Data from Endomondo

Data from Endomondo - Android Phone App

Data from Garmin GPS

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