Sunday, November 27, 2011

De-trained and Fat.

It has been five months since I have ridden a bicycle for serious amateur training, not counting the five minutes spent warming up on a spin bike at every gym session in preparation for weight training. The only training I've been doing is strength weight training four days per week using a split routine - upper body one day, lower body the next. You lose aerobic capacity due to diminished Mitochondria as a consequence of strength training in the gym and lack of specificity to cycling. Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs, they are the power centers of the cell. Endurance training is required to increase Mitochondria.

I thought it would be interesting to do a 20 minute FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to determine how much my cycling muscles have been de-trained. My racing weight is around 172 to 177 lbs - I am currently at 188 lbs due to increase muscle mass and fat from strength weight training and eating pretty much anything.

As you can see below at a body weight of 188 lbs, I could only manage 163 watts average for 20 minutes subtract 5% = 155 watts for predicted 60 minute average. My pain and latic threshold have diminished considerably due to only lifting heavy weights in a rep range of 4 to 10 reps x 4 sets.

Also attached are other FTP test over the years for comparison. For the same test on November 2010 at a body weight of 173 lbs I was able to maintain a more consistent pace and higher average wattage of 203 watts for 20 minutes subtract 5% = 193 watts for predicted 60 minute average. All tests were done on a Saris Cyclops Spin Bike.

As of 11/27/2011
Age 46
Weight - 188 lbs
FTP - 155 Watts
Body Fat - no clue
Full squat - 225 lbs x 4 reps (butt to floor)
Half squat - 315 lbs x 4 reps (thighs parallel to floor)
Leg press - 720 lbs x 6 reps
Dead lift - 315 lbs x 1 rep
Bench press - 205 lbs x 4 reps

11/27/2011 FTP 155 WATTS

3/27/2011 FTP 228 WATTS
11/3/2010 FTP 193 WATTS

6/30/2010 FTP 229 WATTS
2/19/2010 FTP 198 WATTS
11/27/2009 FTP 191 WATTS
10/31/2008 FTP 207 WATTS
So I need an incentive to start riding again, therefore I think I am going to turn pro. The difference between amateurs and pros, is that pros get paid, I have decided to pay myself $1 for every mile ridden. Today I made $30 which goes towards savings.

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