Weather at 2:30 pm:
Temp - 65 degrees
Humidity - 35%
Wind - NW at 6mph
Pressure - 30.11
Conditions - Sunny and Clear
Bike set up:
Bike - Tiemeyer
Gear - 50 x 15 = 90"
Wheels - Mavic Ellipse clinchers
Aero Bars
Regular vented helmet
No shoe covers
First training Kilo for the season. Didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I was a little conservative and didn't go 100%. Just wanted to see where I stand.
Legs felt good, considering this effort was done after a 20 lap warm up, 5 cog sprints up the banking and 5 flying 100 meter efforts at max speed.
Average speed for today's effort was 28 mph, I would need to average about 30 mph to get closer to my 1 minute 16 seconds target. Gear I plan to use would be either a 96" (50 x 14) or 100" (52 x 14) depending on conditions and equipment.
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