Saturday, March 19, 2011

Time Effective Cycling Training - eBook

Time Effective Cycling Training – The Real Deal

This fantastic e-book has been penned by international cycling coach and medical doctor Jesper Bondo Medhus.

Time Effective Cycling Training is the culmination of my years of experience training some of the top cyclists across Denmark. It comes as a downloadable PDF (102 pages) and is designed to help road cyclists, mountain bikers and triathletes to reach their full performance potential. I am convinced this e-book will make you faster and stronger. Why? Well, it has:

* A clear description of the key principles of solid cycling training
* A strong focus on what we know and not what we believe
* Ready-to-use training programs that illustrate my strong views on making the most of every minute of your cycling training
* 100% free email support

Time Effective Cycling Training is not a miracle cure or a “quick fix”. Instead, readers will get an insight into intelligent and proven scientific training principles that will accelerate their progress. It takes a long-term view: that you can get faster by training less.

* Boost your threshold power
* Maximize your VO2 Max
* Improve anaerobic training techniques
* Tackle the challenging VO2 Max Booster Program
* Take on the respected 16-week training program
* Understand the principles of time effectiveness when training
* Learn the pros and cons of strength training

Link to purchasebook

My thoughts - this is the first comprehensive website which has all fragments of cycling information compiled in one place. The free advice alone on the website is useful, much les the book. See an excerpt below from the website regarding weight traning for cyclists and in post below regarding Vo2 max booster protocol.

"Why do you recommend cyclists to to train like weight lifters (few reps)? Wouldn’t be better to train for strength endurance with 8, 12 or more reps?"

Maintaining a low body weight is essential in both road cycling and mountain bike (Watts per Kilogram), since carrying extra pounds (dead weight) decrease your performance. That is same situation for a weight lifter competing in a weight class. If the weight class is <82.5kg, then he will have to work hard for neural adaptations instead of hypertrophy, because additional body weight will make hime compete in a heavier weight class (<90kg).

It is correct that the rep range is often used in powersports, but the people who are really interested in additional body mass (body builders) work much more in the rep range from 5 to 12.

Sets of few reps apply very little damage to the muscle fibres (protein degradation). This damage is normally one of the parameters responsible for stimulating the muscle fibres to grow. By avoiding this protein degradation we can minimize the stimulus to hypertrophy. Also there is a couple of other ways to minimize or completely avoid additional body mass but still getting stronger.

If you decide to strength train this winter, I will highly recommend you to read my series about how you can get stronger without adding additional muscle mass.

Ps. It’s not certain that cyclists have to lift weights at all. Most riders will benefit more from extra bike training.
Training For Cyclists
My thoughts - Track cyclists in sprint events definitely have to train with heavy weights, on the other hand, what is recommended above is for road and endurance cyclists.
Who is Jesper Bondo Medhus?
My name is Jesper Bondo Medhus. I am a medical doctor with a special interest in cycling training. In fact, my interest in exercise physiology inspired me to start studying medicine at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, back in 2001.......

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