Friday, March 18, 2011

VO2 Max Booster Program

VO2 Max Booster Program – VO2 Max Test

by Jesper Bondo Medhus on May 1, 2009

Welcome to my series: VO2 Max Booster Program
This training program will dramatically boost your race performance in only 14 days. The training program can be used by any cyclist, but riders with a SRM or PowerTap mounted on their bike will get the best value.

Whenever you begin a new training program, it is good to know your starting point. It makes it easier for you to track improvements and evaluate your training routine.
Maximum Power Test

Before you start training for VO2 max improvements, it is a good idea to do a five-minute all-out test to estimate your average watt at maximum oxygen consumption. There are other tests, but I think this one is so simple, easy to use and very reliable. You can do the test on a stationary bike or on the road if you are the lucky owner of a power meter.

Once you have performed a five-minute all-out test, you can begin to train, and when you have trained for a couple of weeks it will be easy to monitor your progress.

On Day 1, you will have to do a test to figure out what your starting point is. The best way to do this is to perform a VO2 max test, e.g. five-minute all-out test. Most people can maintain their VO2 max for about 3 to 8 minutes. So a five-minute test will come close to VO2 max for most people. Notice how many watts you can perform.

If you do not have a power meter then use an ergometer bike. If power meters or ergometer bikes are not available, then you can perform the test on a track or a steady hill to see how far you can ride in five minutes. But I highly recommend you do some kind of power monitoring.
Please Notice These Values When Testing

* Power Output. The most important measurement in a power test is power
* Body Weight. It is important to notice your body weight when you do the test because it influences your performance
* Heart Rate. It is also recommended to wear a heart rate monitor, so you can evaluate whether you pushed yourself harder in the VO2 max test after finishing the VO2 Max Booster Program
* Temperature
* Time of day

Day 1
Total time: 1hr training
20min incremental warm up
5min easy rolling
5min VO2 max test
30min Easy/medium rolling

Now it is time for you to enter the VO2 Max Booster Program by performing the 5min test as the first step out of 14 steps to a higher VO2max. Good luck!

Next step: Day 2 – Intervals Targeted For VO2 Max

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