Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 28 2010 Power Ladder Intervals in the afternoon

Carmichael Training Systems
Training videos for your iPhone or iPod touch for $10 versus the same training videos on DVD for $39.

Class 11: PowerInterval Ladder with Abby Ruby:
CTS Coach Abby Ruby takes you through a classic progression of PowerIntervals that will keep you on your toes and push your VO2 max to new heights.

Warm Up and Fast Pedal 9:00
Power Interval 03:00
Recovery 03:00
Power Interval 02:00
Recovery 02:00
Power Interval 01:00
Recovery 03:00
Power Interval 03:00
Recovery 03:00
Power Interval 02:00
Recovery 02:00
Power Interval 01:00
Recovery 03:00
Power Interval 01:00
Recovery 01:00
Power Interval 01:00
Recovery 01:00
Power Interval 01:00
Cool Down 10:00

I had to maintain Watts in the range of 240 to 300 for these Power Intervals - based on my recent Functional Threshold Power test. I have to admit that this one hour Spin Bike workout felt a lot easier than the one session of four minutes of Tabata intervals on the same Spin Bike here. If you notice above, the work to recovery ratio is one to one or even longer, while the Tabata interval work to recovery ratio is two to one, which pushes you into oxygen debt much more quickly. Just looking at the numbers you can see that in four minutes of Tabata work at 400 to 450 Watts, I did 83 kJ of work while in the one hour workout above I only did 327 kJ of work. You definitely work harder doing Tabata intervals.

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