Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 28 2010 Morning Intervals

One Round of Tabata Air Squats

Set 1 - 24 reps - pulse 127 bpm

Set 2 - 26 reps - pulse 139 bpm

Set 3 - 25 reps - pulse 150 bpm

Set 4 - 25 reps - pulse 158 bpm

Set 5 - 25 reps - pulse 160 bpm

Set 6 - 25 reps - pulse 164 bpm

Set 7 - 25 reps - pulse 168 bpm

Set 8 - 26 reps - pulse 170 bpm

1 minute rest pulse - 156 bpm

2 minute rest pulse - 137 bpm

3 minute rest pulse - 129 bpm

4 minute rest pulse - 123 bpm

I have accumulated enough base miles and done enough strength training to now transition into the next phase of training -intervals and speed/power work. I started doing Tabata intervals in the mornings three times per week before work, while continuing my regular training schedule of riding and weightlifting (core, balance, plyometrics, power cleans, hang cleans) in the afternoons. I was also doing a combination squat excercise which combined the benefits of strength and power into one excercise. This excercise is called the 5x5x5 squat, using 135 lbs, I do 5 regular squats, then another 5 squats rising on my toes when I get up, then last 5 squats leaving the ground and landing flat footed for a total of 15 reps with no rest in between. This is similar to wearing a weighted vest when doing plyometrics.

The Tabata intervals are a mixed bag of exercises - air squats, push ups, crunches, spin bicycle etc. Of course since I want to improve on the track bicycle, then I would have to do intervals on the bicycle - The Laws of Specificity. The power work is to now convert strength into power. Although strength work and power work both generate force, it is the ability to generate force quickly (power) which counts on the track bicycle. One hundred meter maximum effort standing starts is an example of a power exercise on the track bicycle. For each effort, change gears to an increasingly harder gear and repeat with full recovery between efforts. I can do these on the spin bike, and adjust the tension to simulate gear changes. You can keep track of the seconds it takes you to complete each effort over the 100 meter distance for later comparison.

Already I am seeing an improvement in pulse rate recovery from doing intervals. Recovery pulse rate should improve considerably after about 5 weeks of interval training.

Below was my Fit Test result for a three minute step test and recovery pulse rate after one minute back in October 2009 : (Measures your ability to recover after a hard effort)

October 31, 2009:
Test - 3 minute Step Test - pulse 166
Quantity = pulse after 1 min 156 bpm

February 26, 2010:
Test - 3 minute Step Test - pulse 155 bpm
Quantity = pulse after 1 min 134 bpm

5 x 5 x 5 = 5 regular squats x 5 squats to toes x 5 jump squats

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