Monday, September 27, 2010

Analysis of my last Kilo at Kissena Velodrome - gear 48x14 = 92"

From profile above - I would need to get a better start to accelerate up to a higher speed (to about 35 mph) by 250 meters. This is easily achievable since the strength and gym work I do would come into play, but then I would pay for this effort towards the end of the Kilo. I tend to be conservative with my starts because I want to minimize how much I fade towards the end. At my current level of fitness, I know if I go out too hard, then I am going to fade very badly since I don't have the endurance base required. I usually get up to my target speed and sit way too early. Profile shows I got up to a speed of 33 mph at about the 200 meter mark and then maintained that to about the 600 meter mark, where I then faded for the remaining 400 meters. I would need to work on my endurance to be able to finish strong in the last 400 meters. Also I would need to ride a tighter line closer to or on the white line which is the shortest path around the track. It is very difficult to do this using aero bars at Kissena, I always end up riding closer to the red line to maintain control. Riding on the rollers during the winter in the aero bars should help to develop the balance and finesse needed to ride a tighter line on the track. Also strong core muscles come into play during the last 400 meters where you have to maintain balance and still generate power from tired legs to propel the bike forward in an aero position.

Components of a Kilo:
Start (initial power)
Acceleration (to 250 meters)
Max speed (250 to 750 meters)
Speed maintenance / endurance (750 to 1000 meters)

In order to improve my kilo, these are the components I would have to work on:

-starts of varying distance (rolling and standing)
-strength work in the gym and on bike (squats and over geared efforts on the bike)
-power work in the gym (power cleans, plyometrics such as bounding up stairs or box jumps with and without weighted vest)

-repeated intervals from a slow roll up to a point where max speed is attained - basically 250 meters roll ups to about 35 mph in aero bars.
-intervals which target VO2 max

Max speed:
-flying start intervals of 800 meters at about 30 mph avg speed in aero bars

Speed maintenance:
-flying start intervals of 1000 meters at about 30 mph avg speed in aero bars
-long training rides of 2 to 3 hours per week to build endurance, leg speed & recovery
-intervals of shorter distances with incomplete recovery (tabata intervals)

Simulation efforts on spin bike and in the gym:
-simulate kilo efforts on the spin bike to measure power output.
-simulate kilo efforts in gym using leg press machine while reducing the weight from heavy to medium to mimic a kilo effort on the bike for a duration of 1 minute 20 seconds. This should get the blood and lactic acid rushing to the head.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

9 25 2010 Pro Lite track bike with brake

Dusted off the Pro Lite this week and put a front brake on with a very small gear. Will be using this during the winter to work leg speed on rolling terrain road rides.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Revist of the Tabata Intervals

I revisited doing Tabata intervals on the spin bike yesterday after not doing them since May 2010, which I believe made me sick from the early morning efforts. They certainly made me lose weight, although a bit too intense for my liking. Seems like I am starting to put some poundage back on as the cold temperatures approach, bike riding miles reduced and weight training loads increase.

In this session of spin bike Tabata, my pulse went above 190bpm after the fifth 20 second effort, my pulse usually never goes this high during regular spin bike interval workouts. Tabata intervals are supposed to be done at 170% of VO2 max, which currently for me is between 400 to 450 Watts. I was able to maintain that range for the first two efforts and then could only manage about 350 Watts for the remaining efforts. My legs started to feel like lead, my right butt cheek went spastic and my lungs started to expel sputum- felt like a kilo time trial rolled up into a points race...cough...cough.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New York Times - Setting goals and staying motivated

Published: September 20, 2010
My husband found the bike race, but then he refused to train seriously for it. He was ambivalent, not sure he wanted to compete. But I signed us up anyway. I like having goals, and we had never raced on our bikes before. I wanted to see how we’d do.

It was not what we expected — in fact, that race was quite a shock. But it certainly taught us some lessons. Our experience turned out to be a perfect illustration of the power of one sort of mental strategy in racing and a perfect example of what motivates some people to stay with a sport....... read more

Saturday, September 18, 2010

2010 Elite Track Nationals - California Home Depot Velodrome

Online registration for Elite Track Nationals ends September 22

Online registration for the 2010 USA Cycling Elite Track National Championships will close on Wednesday, September 22 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

We hope that all qualified track cyclists will join us at the Home Depot Center Velodrome in Carson, California, between Wednesday, September 29, and Sunday, October 3, for the final national championship event of the 2010 track season.

Cyclists looking to compete in Carson must meet eligibility requirements as outlined in these qualification procedure guidelines. Cyclists were able to qualify for nationals at regional championship events held at velodromes across the United States. For a list of qualifying races, click here.

In an effort to streamline the registration process, we've created the USA Cycling online registration system. To sign up for nationals, simply visit your My USA Cycling page or follow the link on the event's website.
Entry Fees

The fee per individual event is currently $50 and $200 for the international omnium. By registering early using our online system, participants will save time and money compared to on-site registration.

On-site registration will be available at the Home Depot Center beginning Tuesday, September 28. Please note, participants must register for each event the day before the race. There is no day-of registration.

On-site registration fees are $85 per individual event and $250 for the international omnium.

For FAQs about USA Cycling's new online registration system.... more info

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Commonwealth Games India, Delhi October 2010 Velodrome

Pics obtained from various sources on the net. Cycling events schedule below, track events will be October 5 - 8, 2010.:

For Men
Men 1000m Time Trial/Kilo
Men 4000m Individual Pursuit
Men 4000m Team Pursuit
Men Team Sprint
Men Keirin
Men Mountain Bike (57.6km)
Men Points Race (40km)
Men Road Race (166.95km) Mens Road Time Trial (40km)
Men Scratch Race (20km)
Men Sprint

For Women
Women 500m Time Trial
Women 3000m Individual Pursuit
Women Sprint
Women Mountain Bike (44.8km
Women Points Race (25km)
Women Road Race (100.17km)
Women Road Time Trial (29km)

Mileage Summary for a Time Crunched Cyclist

I have accumulated some historical training mileage data in order to correlate with my results. As you can see the mileage per month is low which leads to low weekly hours riding. I believe Joel Friel says you need to devote at least 13 hours per week to be a Cat 3 racer, and I believe Chris Carmichael requires about 8 hours per week in his Time Crunched Cyclist book. I can barely average 4 hours of riding per week. But then again that does not include the time spent in the gym and the couple of extra hours spent in between efforts at the track on weekends. Also the Friel and Carmichael programs are geared towards road cyclists and not track cyclists both require different methods of training, although there is some overlap in the mass start events.

September 2010 trip to Cuba

                                      Bonnie                                       Lance

A few  Kissena riders (Lance, Bonnie, Steve & Pablo) are going to Cuba this week to race on the Track with Mike Fraysse Sports.


SEPTEMBER 17-26, 2010

This is an incredible opportunity to not only compete internationally but also to travel legally to Cuba on a U.S. Treasury Department license. The competition is for men and women, road and track, ages 35 and up holding a 2010 U.S.A. international cycling license.

The trip includes:
Round trip air travel between Miami-Havana
Freight Charges for one bike bag or box; 2nd bike $50.00
Cuba Entry Visa and Cuban Medical Insurance
Miami Airport Taxes
Ground transportation in Cuba
All-inclusive hotel (meals and beverages)
Race entry fees
Team jersey; bib OR regular shorts OR skinsuit
Team t-shirt, hat and bag
Support staff, mechanics, massage therapists, coaches, etc.

Not included:
Cuban Exit Tax - $30.00.
Overweight baggage charges
Incidental expenses, such as store-bought food and water
Special Dinners (optional)

Cost: $2,595.00 This is an incredible price. The 2005 Cuba trip was $2,295.00. Since then, Cuba has required daily medical insurance; the Visa has risen 400%; and, as you know, the price of air travel has increased. Cuba has instituted Cuban travel pesos that must be used in Cuba and are 80 cents to the U.S. dollar. Everything in Cuba has increased 20% because of this. The Pan American Confederation has worked very closely with me for the best prices possible.

Reservation Deposit: $1,795.00 paid by August 15. After August 15th no guarantee of clothing or air transportation. Balance of $800.00 paid by you at the hotel in Cuba in cash. Bring clean bills – no writing or drawings on them.

For any questions contact:
Mike Fraysse
573 High Road
Glen Spey, NY 12737-0329
(845) 856-3335;
Fax: (845) 856-3459:


Reinaldo Paseiro Velodrome, Outdoor, Concrete, 333m

Some results below:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Labor Day 2010 Master's Races - my report

The Masters 40 plus races consisted of three events - a six lap scratch, an unknown distance and a 20 lap feature race. The six lap scratch race started straight from the line with John Orcut (specialist pursuiter / time trialist / road rider) taking off like a bat out of hell. I was caught off guard in the middle of the bunch behind some slower traffic, by then a large gap had opened up to the leading three riders. I expended most of my energy which is usually reserved for the sprint to close that gap with the rest of the pack on my tail. It took me a lap to close the gap at an average speed of about 30 mph in a 94 inch gear (49x14), I was fried with one lap to go and dropped out. This set the tone for the rest of the races, I just did not have the legs this time especially with the unknown distance and the constant attacks from the road riders. I changed my gear to 92 (48x14) for the next two races, but the legs were still fried. The unknown distance ended up being a ten lap race which I did not finish either. My plan for the 20 lap race was to win the first preeme which came after six laps, this I did quite easily in an all out sprint, but once again I expended all my energy and did not have anything left to finish the race.

This year my training was geared towards the Kilo and Match Sprints. I only did about four mass start events on the track for the whole season and no road racing - this certainly will affect the endurance aspect. I am not talented or young enough to do everything. I also know that when I sprint for a preeme or points that I would not be able to recover in a race to finish it, especially on a long outdoor track like Kissena. Most of the times instinct takes over where my nervous system has been programmed to sprint when I hear the bell like Pavlov's Dog. This could also be considered a severe case of stupidity by not thinking and reading a race properly and setting up for the overall win. At least when I do sprint I go from the top of the banking to help my acceleration and when it is my turn to pull I take my turn, but next time I am going to conserve my energy and use my brains to read the race rather than going by instinct.

9 6 2010 Kissena Labor Day - Anthony Freeman wins match kilo / sprint?

Both Anthony Freeman and Javier Mereles tied at 21 points for the overall Cat 4 win. It came down to a match sprint to determine the overall winner. Fifteen year old Anthony tried to muscle Forty year old Javier around, but Javier decided to Kilo Anthony, Anthony stayed on his wheel and came around for the win in the last 200 meters.

9 6 2010 Kissena Labor day - John Orcut wins cup

1 - John Orcut - Axis
2 - Radolph Toussant - Major Taylor (former Guyana Olympian in Pursuit)
3 - George Sutter - Die Hard

Plano Texas - Superdrome

- 250 Meter Track

- 45 Degree Banking

- Synthetic Surface
The 2010 USA Cycling Masters Track National Championships at the Superdrome Velodrome in Frisco, Texas, September 1-5. Approximately 400 riders and their families are expected to attend. The Superdrome is an Olympic-style track cycling venue and one of only three 250 meter wood surfaced velodromes in the United States. The track is built upon a specially designed steel frame structure with banking of 44 degrees at the steepest points and has a technologically advanced non-skid surface for safety and ease of use. The Superdrome was completely resurfaced in spring 2009..... link

Facility Facts

Main Track Specifications: 250 meter oval; 7 meters wide, 44 degree incline in the corners, 13 degree incline in straight sections; constructed of custom made, resin-coated 1.125" thick marine plywood panels attached to a welded steel superstructure.

Infield: 73.5 meter warm up loop, entry/exit apron, staging area and facilities for housing team equipment and supplies

Event Management Complex: 5.842 square feet in two stories, houses all track technology, facility management team, concessions, restrooms and other facilities.

Technology: Advanced timing, scoring, data handling and video display system.

Spectator Area: Seating area with a total capacity of 1,100 spectators a picnic area and a kids play area.

Facility Architects: Brinkley Sargent Architects, Dallas, Texas.

Track Manufacturer: V96SG, Detroit, Michigan: past experience includes development of the 1996 Olympic Track in Atlanta.

Track Installation: Hughes Manufacturing, Detroit, Michigan  

If I had the time, motivation and extra cash laying around

So just suppose I had some extra cash laying around and decided to go to one of these far flung regions of the US to compete in a Master National Track event? Plano Texas, where is that? Right now I don't have any spare cash laying around, it is all tied up in a very lucrative sponsorship deal with three banks and their credit cards? Did I mention I am being sponsored by three major banks - Capital One, Citi Bank and American Express (don't leave home without telling them?). Unfortunately the lucrative deal is not in my favor but in the Banks' favor - I am still paying them back for all the cycling equipment I bought over the past four years with interest of course, and at the current rate it will probably be another four years before I pay them off. Unfortunately this blog makes no money, it was set up not to make money but rather to promote the sport of track cycling, which is still a cult niche sport. In any case the age group I would be competing in would be the 45 - 49 group. My fastest unofficial flying 200 meter time in training is 12.57, and official time at last year's State Championships was 12.66. It looks like I would be somewhere in the middle of this horse pack if I use those times as a bench mark.

I still need to do a lot of work in the Kilo event - 1:17.45 is not going to cut it when the top three times hover around 1:10 to 1:13. Although 1:17 would put me some where in the middle of this age group - since the winning time this year was 1:10.6 and the slowest time was 1:27.2 out of 13 riders at the Plano Texas Velodrome.

One of my goals this year was to break the 12 second barrier at Kissena - I came nowhere near doing this. But definitely improved my Kilo times. I am just wondering if training for the Kilo affects performance in the Flying 200 meter and match sprints? What I did differently this year was to lift weights through out the cycling season, as opposed to last year when I did not do any weights during the season, only the P90x program and raced more weekly mass start events on the track. Last year I was definitely faster in the flying 200 meter and match sprints than this year.

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 2010 - Master Nationals Team Sprint National Champs

1nrAndrew LaCorte   Whitehouse Station, NJ50.334 

1nrJonathan Fraley   Bayview, WI50.334 

1nrKirk Whiteman   Portland, OR50.334 
